How do I join a visit as a patient?

Join a visit and access to see your doctor

  • When your Doctors office has schedule a visit with you, you will receive an email confirming you have a visit scheduled for a particular date and in a particular timezone. From the email you can open the app that will redirect you to the login screen and into the visit detail.  
  • You can also login directly from the app or webpage and access your Upcoming visits. 
  • Click Join video visit once button is enabled. 
  • After hitting the button you will have to accept the Consent and Emergency forms and hit Join. 

  • Allow MediSprout to use your camera and Microphone. Simply hit the allow option if displayed in your browser or make sure they are both enabled in the settings. 
  • You will now able to see the Doctor if he is already in the visit room but if he is not you will be prompted to the waiting room that looks like this. 

  • Communicate to your Doctors office if Doctor is not showing up after a reasonable amount of wait 
  • Once the visit has finish you can rate how your experience has been and provide your feedback which is useful for MediSprout improvement.